Introducing Dr. Claire Stagg, the visionary behind Health Connections Dentistry®, in our Sahara Rose #IAmATreasure series. Dr. Stagg invites you on a journey to discover the profound connection between your oral health and the harmony of your entire being. Born in the enchanting land of Trinidad, known as "The Land of the Hummingbird," Dr. Stagg has cultivated a practice that transcends traditional dentistry, weaving the art of healing with the science of dental medicine. As a dedicated retailer of Sahara Rose products, she further emphasizes the importance of holistic wellness, integrating high-quality skincare into her comprehensive approach. Join us as we delve into the inspiring story of Dr. Claire Stagg and her remarkable contributions to integrative dental care and overall well-being.

Can you share your journey with us?

I’ve always wanted to help people and was/ am fascinated by natural sciences and how everything is connected and works together. I was accepted to medical school but was petrified that I would not know the right drug to give a patient…. With Dentistry, I have been able to blend art and science together to help MORE people with what I can do, and know NOW, since we treat the WHOLE body through the mouth as opposed to piecemealing every person. I’m able to provide dental and oral solutions to complex medical conditions!

Can you tell us about your business?

I have a great passion for what I do. Saving lives as well as creating beautiful smiles and faces is a great passion of mine that is extremely rewarding and brings me great joy!

What's your secret to success?

PERSEVERANCE!!!! Everyone wants to tell you what to do, what they think is best for you!!! My book “Smile, It’s All Connected! Whole Health Through Balance” is a prime example … if I had listened to “all the advice givers who knew better”,  the world would have been deprived of a true masterpiece if I may say so myself!

Follow your instincts and gut and know that you are being divinely led as well as guided.

My biggest lesson is to learn not to rush things: everything always happens in the right timing .

How do you find time for yourself with your busy schedule? What’s your best self-care tip?

It’s super hard making time for myself… running several businesses and taking care of all the aspects involved: clinical,  administrative, financial and maintenance can be extremely time consuming. Surround yourself with people who share your passion and dreams!

Being able to disconnect is important: I spend as much time as I can out in nature and walking … that is even more fun with a dog who leads the way !!!

Do you have any beauty rituals or secrets?

ALWAYS BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER EACH MEAL AND HAVE GOOD ORAL HYGIENE: you only take care of the teeth that you want to keep ! Interestingly, it was inculpated by my father! Nutrition and diet are very important: as without so within…. The skin will relay what you ingest. And wash yourself well!

Do you have a hero product from Sahara Rose?

    My most favorite (practically to the omission,  I guiltily admit, to the other amazing products in the line of amazing skin care products! ) is the DIVINE SERUM……… I simply have a HUGE GRIN whenever I put it on … I simply cannot help myself !

    What is your best advice for women/founders in general?

      All businesswomen (including Ikram, our SAHARA ROSE founder!) need to be applauded for pursuing their dream of bringing happiness to the / their world through their passion and hard work. That in itself, I think is the best reward: great JOY!

      What are some of your preferred indulgences and wellness spots?

      I love all organic food stores especially: Happy Healthy Human in Indian Harbour Beach and the GREEN ROOM in Cocoa beach!